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The manuscripts could be submitted by e-mail (see the contact persons). There are no submission and processing charges.
The authors are kindly asked to correctly format and submit their manuscripts, according to the formatting instructions.

Title of the paper: capital letters, bold, centred, font NTR 14 pts. Enter 2 clear lines after title.
Author(s) SURNAME and First name (without title or profession): SURNAME, First Name, bold, centred, on one centred column, font NTR, 12pts. Enter 1 clear line after authors.
Affiliation: italics, upper and lower cases, centred, on one centred column, font NTR 9 pts. Enter 1 clear lines after affiliation.
Corresponding author: Surname, First name, e-mail address, font NTR 10 pts. Enter 1 clear lines after corresponding author
Abstract: The abstract should contain 200 - 250 words, font NTR 10 pts, italic, justified.
Keywords: 5 - 6 keywords, font NTR 10 pts, italic, left aligned. Key words should not repeat the title of the paper. Enter 3 clear lines after keywords.
Chapter titles: capitals, bold, left aligned, font NTR, 12 pts numbered in Arabs. Enter one clear line after title.
Subtitles: decimal numbering (i.e. 1.1, 1.2, 1.3,) left aligned, bold, NTR, 11pts.
Paragraphs should be typed with no indentation, in NTR, 11 pts., single spaced, justified.
The paper should be written on standard A4 (297 x 210 mm) sheets, with 15 mm (left-right) and 25 mm (top-bottom) margins. Enter one clear line between paragraphs, and between paragraph’s end and the next title.
Length of the paper should be of 4 or 6 pages, on A4 paper, written in plain English. Please do not submit papers with more than 6 or less than 4 pages.
Figures and Tables: included in text, numbered in Arabs. Each figure should have a caption placed below the picture, NTR 10 pts, italic, centred. Use high quality pictures and drawings.
Equations: Equations are left justified 5 mm from left with equation number at the right margin in font TNR 11 pt Italic

References: Citations in text should be made with Arab numerals in square brackets. References should be presented in consecutive order (as they are referred to in the text) at the end of the paper, after one clear line in NTR 11 pts. References will be given in the original language. Please include at least 6 items.


Example of well done SCIENTIFIC PAPER


The responsibility for the content of each paper is solely upon the authors. Accordingly, neither the University of Oradea, nor their officers, members of the editorial board, are responsible for the accuracy of any published paper